Mindset51 Videos

Change Your Life by Changing Your Perceptions

One of the subjects that I’m most inspired to learn and explore are the principles of human behavior. At this week’s MAPS meeting I had the opportunity to give some coaching to Andrew Bennett and I’m blessed to have his permission to release this particularly intimate episode of Daily Genius. Let us know your thoughts.

I Know the Meaning of Life

Have you forgotten why you’re here? No, not on Facebook. On the planet. Are you keeping your daily actions aligned with your purpose? Or are you being taken off-track by emergencies, crises, and emotional black holes? Don’t beat yourself up for it. It happens to everyone…just not at the same frequency. There are tools that […]

Rituals of Meaning

On today’s show, we’re talking about rituals of meaning and how your stories of stress actually have nothing to do with the actions you think you need to take and are instead entirely related to your resistance to making decisions.

Autosuggestion and Faith

Napoleon Hill includes autosuggestion as one of the keys to becoming wealthy in Think and Grow Rich. How do you apply the concepts of autosuggestion, belief, and faith to your life as an entrepreneur? Do you manage your thoughts? Do you programmatically affirm your future into existence? Can you? Today I want to explore those […]

The Power of Mindset

As a business owner, leader, manager, or team member, your mindset is your most valuable asset. So why do so many business owners and leaders disregard mindset work as a low priority? “I’ll get over it,” you might say. Actually, you won’t. Any unresolved emotional perception, decision, or action is stored in your subconscious until […]

Who’s Got My Money?

How much money are you leaving on the table because you don’t sell as efficiently as you could be? Here’s a quick tip: you can learn all the little techniques and body-language quirks and buy everyone’s program, but there’s one crucial thing that if you don’t master, you’ll never be the best salesperson you could […]

Your Feelings Mean Nothing

There’s a Bruce Lee quote floating around the internet right now that talks about this concept. Your feelings are a distraction from the mission – your mission – whatever you want to call it. You owe it to yourself to stay focused on what is important. Let neither praise not reprimand distract you from your […]