Rockefeller Habits17 Videos

Stand-Up Round-Up

Even we have secrets at Measurable Genius. So Warren whipped up this highlight package from some of our recent stand-up meetings. Remember when every episode kicked off like this? Does anyone miss that? Give us some feedback!

We Penetrate with Jarvis

We’re kicking off the new season of the video blog with an inside look at our quarterly planning meeting. I was super excited to present this to the company ever since we completed our executive retreat, and today I finally got that chance. Not only do you guys finally get to see what I was […]


Accountability is a word that makes people cringe. Sure, it’s great to think up ideas and strategies and all, but when it comes time to actually implement them, there’s a lot of shifty eyes and sideways glances. That’s why accountability needs to be clearly defined: if you’re the one who needs to get something done, […]

Konstructing KPIs

You guys have heard me talk before about the importance of having a daily success metric. Metrics in a business are commonly called Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs. When you’re trying to think of a number like that, one important thing to remember is that it should be a number you have direct control over. […]

Quarterly Planning Deep Cuts

In late November of 2017, Measurable Genius ran a 90-day Business Planning Workshop at SAIT. It was a tremendous success, a lot of fun, and I got to create a lot of value for my friends, clients, and everyone who attended. You may remember my Facebook livestream about the difference between accountability and responsibility. In […]

Profit Per Puppy

The economic engine of your business can be measured as Profit per X. What “X” is in your business is something you have to figure out for yourself. This metric represents the “flywheel” of your company because when you change the critical number, it has an astronomical impact on all other areas of the business.

Grab Your Towel

Have you ever had one of those job interviews where you were asked “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Maybe you were the one asking that question? If you asked me that question, I could tell you exactly where I see my business in five years, because my executive team and I have […]

How to Get Everything Done

What’s the first thing you think about when you get up in the morning? If you’re anything like the average business owner I’ve met, it’s all the things you have to do in your day. And does that thought soothe you…or panic you? If your answer is the latter, that’s because you haven’t defined the […]

Gearing Up For Strategy

What are your company’s values? Are they truly demonstrable behaviours, or empty moral/ethical imperatives? One of the many important things the Rockefeller Habits asks you do is to discover your corporate values and write them down. And, knowing a thing or two about values, this is where I can really help my clients discover what […]