Sales14 Videos

The Keys to the Kingdom

Hey. What should you be doing this very second (to best serve your master plan)? Okay, well, right now you’re reading this. But if you were at work and asked yourself the same question, how would you reply? If you asked me, I could tell you very easily. Because I made a list. I know […]

Marketing vs. Sales

There’s a distinct difference between the marketing and sales functions in your business. The marketing function is all about telling stories which provoke your audience into taking an action to express interest. The sales function is about capturing that interest, qualifying the opportunity, and selling your product or service to the customer.

Who’s Got My Money?

How much money are you leaving on the table because you don’t sell as efficiently as you could be? Here’s a quick tip: you can learn all the little techniques and body-language quirks and buy everyone’s program, but there’s one crucial thing that if you don’t master, you’ll never be the best salesperson you could […]

The ABQ’s of Sales

AlwaysBeQualifying Money is great to have. And closing sales is important, no doubt. “New money solves all problems,” right? But what many entrepreneurs don’t understand is that the point of the sales system is not to generate money. The point of the sales system is to have a customer make great buying decisions… and for […]