Customer Service17 Videos


You ever had one of those fucking Mondays? Yeah. Me too. On today’s episode, I discuss the video blog with Warren and Everett, struggle through a sales meeting with Jen, and give some insight about running a services business to Doug.

Promises and Expectations

I’m learning to stop making promises and setting unrealistic expectations with my clients. In this episode of Daily Genius we talk about how we can work together as a team and empower our communication so that we are in command of our project planning process and deliver the highest quality service possible. You get to […]


If you love dogs and you love drama, you’ll love this episode. I guess you could say that Daily Genius has gone to the dogs. Please watch the video before I have to think up more dog puns. It’s making me feel boneheaded.


Webinars are a strategy that I have seen work for coaches, speakers, and seminar leaders time and time again. And, like everything else, you don’t need to do them perfectly the first time around. The most important step is the first one, and if you delay that constantly by trying to be perfect, you’ll never […]


There’s no big secret to making money. It just requires a few simple things: a product that people want to buy, the work ethic to create a business to give it to them, and your ability to direct resources and materials towards the fulfillment of that objective. On today’s episode, I chat sales, I chat […]


The universe doesn’t spontaneously hand out gifts just because you want them. If you’re trying to hold a vision for the future, whatever that may look like, it’s essential to know that the content of that vision is around you in the here and now. The problem is, you don’t know what it looks like. […]

You’re Not the Hero

Every service provider that cares wants to do a good job for their client. But doing that “good job” isn’t solely about producing results. In fact, when you’re too focused on results, you actually hamper your ability to provide the very service or transformation your client is seeking. Time to take a step back. On […]