Management57 Videos

The Essence of Duality

One of the things that I learned from my mentor Dr. John Demartini is that every emotion or feeling is synchronized and synthesized with its opposite, however we often suppress one side of the emotion in order to support the stories we’re identified with. Where there is despair, there is also hope. Where there is […]

The Gift of Action Items

Merry Christmas, everyone. Time off is nice, isn’t it? Well no, not really, because it just means you’re procrastinating on what you need to be doing to move your life forward by spending the time on short-term immediate gratification. Here’s my suggestion: give yourself the best gift of all: a system that you can develop […]

The Keys to the Kingdom

Hey. What should you be doing this very second (to best serve your master plan)? Okay, well, right now you’re reading this. But if you were at work and asked yourself the same question, how would you reply? If you asked me, I could tell you very easily. Because I made a list. I know […]

The Road to One Million

Experience is the wisest teacher of all. In my own personal journey of building Measurable Genius up from nothing to where we are today, I’ve learned a whole lot of very practical lessons that you’re not going to see in other entrepreneurial content. We’ve still got a long way to go and we’re learning new […]


Something I’ve been wrestling with lately is how best to sell what we do here at Measurable Genius. I know that we can work with any client in any business to make it better. But communicating that to other people is a tricky task. People want to see exactly how we’re going to live up […]

The Theory of Constraints

Let’s say you’ve got some task, goal, or result that you want in your life. Let’s also say that this is a result that you want to occur with some regularity. For example, let’s take this content right here. It’s part of my grand social media strategy … and it’s necessary for anyone who wants […]


You can always do things better. That isn’t to say that nothing is ever good enough, but it is important to be able to look at anything you’ve done or anything you’re doing and identify how it can be done better. One of the ways we do that at Measurable Genius is by identifying rocks. […]

There Is No “I” in Team, but There Is “Me”

Many small business owners become managers out of necessity – well before they’re equipped with the skills and the mindset necessary to really grow and develop a team of A-players. The unfortunate reality is that poor management is a handicap for your business. And while it’s not a skill you’re going to master overnight, there […]