Shows13 Videos

Incremental Progress 004

Effective Delegation

Do you know the difference between accountability and responsibility? If you don’t, you’re royally screwing up your business because not realizing that subtle difference will mean no one is sure what their job is or how it looks when they’re done. Let’s break it down. Accountability can only ever be held by one person. They […]
The History of Content Marketing for Business

The History of Content Marketing for Business

On this episode of Incremental Progress, we discuss the history of content marketing. Watch this video to break down the barriers preventing you from engaging in an effective content marketing strategy, marketing, and sales stages, how people make decisions, and more. This masterclass will take your content marketing game up a level. A big level. […]

Your First Ad

Over the last two weeks of Incremental Progress, you’ve already begun mastering the Facebook game.  First, you learned how to create an audience, and what sort of targeting to use to capture potential cold traffic.  Secondly, you learned how to create content that tells your story and creates engagement with this cold traffic.  And this […]

The Many Layers of the Layercake

Here’s a fact: re-targeting ads convert cheaper and more often than ads to cold traffic. I’ve been doing this long enough to have proven it again and again for myself and for my clients. So on today’s episode of Incremental Progress, we’re going to move onto the next stage of the Layercake campaign: designing and […]

JV or Die

Are you working hard because you genuinely enjoy it?  Or are you just telling yourself that?  There are tons of entrepreneurs out there who are martyring themselves because they think the only way their business will survive is if they work themselves down to the bone. They’re too attached to their identity of being the […]

Life Begins at Intention

I have a quick question: what was the last thing you saw on Facebook that someone had that made you stop and say ‘Oh, that’s pretty cool?’ Maybe someone’s on holiday in Mexico? Friend got a new car? An acquaintance had children? Saw an article about those cool 3D printers?  Now think about what you’d […]

Company Culture and Celebrity Impersonations

What makes a great team? In this episode of Daily Genius Warren asked me to talk about what makes the culture at Measurable Genius “different”. I run a technology company, but my greatest ability is in working with human behavior – finding out what people want most in life and finding ways to help them […]

Re-gaining Command of your Business

If you want to get your business back on track and gain or re-gain command, you need to focus on a series of key business principles. This video is a masterclass on what strategies and tactics you can apply to become a master executive and empowered business operator.

Your Plan Means Nothing

There’s not much time remaining until the final quarter of 2018…are you on track with your goals? Actually, the answer to that question doesn’t matter. I don’t care whether you’ve hit your goals or not.  The important thing is going through the ritual to choose your goals. It’s performing the practice of planning again and […]