One of the most difficult things to figure out as a business owner is determining how much effort, labour, and resources are necessary to bring your dreams to life. We meet with our clients and do everything we can to capture their vision, understand their goals, and reverse engineer their plans into action steps that […]
In the best episode of Daily Genius so far we’re giving you a sneak peek into our quarterly strategic planning process. I share with my team the details of our One-page Strategic Plan (#OPSP) and we work together to make sure everyone in the company is on the same page. Each of our team members […]
What fears are holding you back in life? I asked Nima Rahmany to give me a topic to talk about on today’s episode of Daily Genius and he asked me to speak on the subject of fear. This episode focuses on a time in my life where I was overcommitted, overextended, and building up a […]
I’ve been experimenting with video in business for 5 years, so as you can imagine, we have LOTS of footage that we’ve been collecting over that time. Most of it is REALLY bad. But the experiences taught us a lot. Yesterday I spent the day sorting and organizing almost all of the footage we’ve ever […]
What makes a great team? In this episode of Daily Genius Warren asked me to talk about what makes the culture at Measurable Genius “different”. I run a technology company, but my greatest ability is in working with human behavior – finding out what people want most in life and finding ways to help them […]