How to Build a Group Coaching Program • An Interview with Greg Stoll

In this video

If you simplify your sales process, you’ll make more money. It’s that simple.

Take the sort of work that Greg was talking about during his interview, for example. There are tons of entrepreneurs with a similar funnel to his – selling a program with add-ons like group coaching and events, each one a separate transaction.

That’s one way to go about it. But I think it’s easier to just package everything up and sell it as one program. You should include all of those little add-ons that you were selling separately and make it a high-ticket offer.

You attract better students by increasing the level of commitment required. Those students get better value because everything they need to transform their lives is included in the price of the program.

Plus, it’s way easier to sell one thing as a whole than to try and sell one thing with 10 different up-sells.

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