Agency Board

What Are You Applying Your People To?

You guys have heard me explain before about the importance of providing context to your team members. Basically, in order to have all the pieces of your business working together and working efficiently, everyone needs to see where you’re aiming to be. Context is important. But that begs the question… how do you create context? […]

This One’s For You, John

During my meeting at MAPS I had the opportunity to talk about one of my favorite things… the philosophy I learned from my mentor, Dr John Demartini​. Whether this is all old hat to you or you’ve never heard of the guy, you should give this episode a watch. At the very worst, you’ll learn […]

I Want To Be A Movie Star

Part of our latest quarterly plan for Measurable Genius is to build ourselves a funnel. We’ve done this a few times for our clients, and now it’s time to make one ourselves. Easier said than done, though. What would go into our own funnel? I, for one, want a cool movie. Today I talked about […]

Phase Two of Jarvis at Phase One

Today I had the pleasure of visiting Phase One Design to talk about one of my very favorite things: Jarvis. Loyal viewers of the show will know exactly what Jarvis is. But if you don’t, now is your chance to get a crash course in what this program is and how it can make your […]

The Daily Genius Top 10

We’ve finally hit the century-mark here on Daily Genius. That’s a lot of content… as Warren will soon tell you. Take a look back at some of the best episodes of the video blog as Warren takes you through his own top 10. Agree? Disagree? Give us a list in the comments!

The Keys to the Kingdom

Hey. What should you be doing this very second (to best serve your master plan)? Okay, well, right now you’re reading this. But if you were at work and asked yourself the same question, how would you reply? If you asked me, I could tell you very easily. Because I made a list. I know […]

I Don’t Want To Lie, But I Have To

How do you do marketing? There are more answers to that question than languages you can answer in. It’s a nebulous, amorphous concept. But if you’ve got long-term vision, and you do research, you can come up with a few strategies. One of those is the very video blog you see before you. One of […]

Time to Get Efficient

There’s a common adage: work smarter, not harder. Well, great advice. What are you supposed to do with that? One of the ways I’ve interpreted that advice is by creating a list that tells me what the exact right thing is to do at any given moment. Or, as Rene cleverly put it this episode, […]

Clear Desk, Clear Mind

Take a second right now. Look at your desk. I bet you’ve got things all over it. Ask yourself this question: which of those things on your desk is the thing you’re working on right now? Can you find it immediately? Is that thing the most important thing you can be doing right now? If […]

Konstructing KPIs

You guys have heard me talk before about the importance of having a daily success metric. Metrics in a business are commonly called Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs. When you’re trying to think of a number like that, one important thing to remember is that it should be a number you have direct control over. […]