Agency Board

Logo Language

Short episode, but it’s going to teach you a crucial rule about designing your logo. What? You’re still reading this? I’m not going to give it away in the copy! Go watch the video!

Marketing Blackjack

Where can I put my money to make sure I get the most bang for my marketing buck? I hear that a lot from my clients. And the unfortunate reality is that that question has no simple, catch-all answer. Your marketing depends on a lot of factors, including your audience, your values, and your strategy. […]

Learning to Love LinkedIn

I talk plenty about social media marketing strategies… primarily Facebook. And while having an effective Facebook marketing strategy is important, there are other platforms out there! Enter the title of this post. On today’s episode, I chat Linkedin with our sales team, and share a couple of wins from last week.

Why Do You Do What You Do?

Every quarter I take time out of my business to talk to my team about their values. For a business owner, that time is a serious investment. Pulling everyone away from their job is not something I take lightly. I do it because it’s valuable. Why is it valuable? One of the ways I know […]

I Can Fix Your Computer But I’d Rather Fix Your Brain

There’s a certain obsession people have for fixing other people. It’s something we’re all guilty of. However, by trying to fix other people, by trying to manage them instead of embracing them, you’re not helping as much as you think. When someone, whether it be an employee or your significant other, complains to you, instead […]

Everyone Wants a Piece of My Pie

An advantage of owning a small business is that we can quickly transform when we want to and we’re nimble enough to keep sprinting while we do it. Of course, one of the disadvantages of that is that sometimes things change so quickly that not everyone on our team knows what’s going on… …and where […]

Rocketship Pizza

As my videographer put it this morning, building a business is like building a rocket ship. Want some proof? Look no further than your friendly neighbourhood MGI. Like a rocket ship, businesses need to have structure and systems in place before they take off, and nobody knows more about structure and systems than we do. […]

The Road to One Million

Experience is the wisest teacher of all. In my own personal journey of building Measurable Genius up from nothing to where we are today, I’ve learned a whole lot of very practical lessons that you’re not going to see in other entrepreneurial content. We’ve still got a long way to go and we’re learning new […]

Managing Like a Boss

Want a team that produces better work more consistently? Of course you do. We all want that. So how do you get it? Here’s the key: MAKING DECISIONS. To the degree you build an organization where your team members make great decisions, they will give you higher quality work much more regularly. It’s that simple.