Alexander Ford

We’ve Got Awesome Packages

We’ve got awesome packages! This innuendo-packed episode (not really) of Daily Genius explores the idea of packaging – we talk about our packages at our weekly departmental meetings and I explore the concept in detail later in the episode. Do you have clearly defined packages? Can you easily and quickly provide your clients and prospects […]

Feeling Spiritually Disconnected

Ever feel like you’re just “missing something”? Like there’s a piece of you that you can’t figure out? How that shows up for me is in my quest for meaning and purpose in life. I work hard, I’m committed to a vision, I love my business and my team, and yet there are days (or […]

Schedule or Suffer

There’s a limit to how much any of us can have in our heads at any given time. As businesses scale and get bigger, with more needing to get done, it becomes increasingly difficult to find the time to work on everything that needs your attention. After all, even if you’re getting new clients, you’re […]

How To Content

How do you get famous on Facebook? It’s not as hard as you might think…as long as you’re talking to the right people. On last week’s episode of Incremental Progress, we talked about how to define an awesome audience for your Facebook ads. This week, we’re continuing the trend by showing you what sorts of […]

Getting Hands-On with the Audience

The Facebook ads platform is an intimidating tool. There are tons of people out there just itching to get started with it, but don’t know where to begin. Here’s the thing: like with any marketing, the first question should always be: who am I talking to? Unfortunately, it’s one thing to know the answer to […]

Conquering Your Sandbox

Are you the biggest kid in your sandbox? That’s really the end-goal of any business owner: to the biggest kid in the sandbox go all the spoils. And fortunately for this metaphor, in the world of business, we don’t have to rely on genetics to become the biggest kid. Here’s the thing: no matter how […]

Trying to Have it All Leaves You With Nothing

The biggest threat to any business is the owner of that business. As entrepreneurs, we’ve already decided to tackle one of the most challenging things anyone could possibly do: build a business. For one reason or another, we’ve committed ourselves to take on accountability when so many people spend their lives desperately trying to avoid […]

Values 101

It’s human nature to over-complicate things. That’s why, every now and again, it’s good to get back to basics. And there’s nothing more basic than the idea of values…it’s the cornerstone from escaping a life of emotional volatility and embracing a life where you face meaningful challenges that help you to grow and evolve. Sounds […]