The Theory of Constraints

In this video

Let’s say you’ve got some task, goal, or result that you want in your life.

Let’s also say that this is a result that you want to occur with some regularity.

For example, let’s take this content right here. It’s part of my grand social media strategy … and it’s necessary for anyone who wants to scale their business in today’s age.

It didn’t just come out of nowhere. It involves the rigorous curation and publication of content. It’s more involved than it may seem.

So when I noticed that we were publishing content less frequently than I liked, I took another look at our strategy. And I realized one crucial thing.

We had built a complex system…but we didn’t build in the recurrence.

To borrow the metaphor from the video, we created a system to take out the garbage … but not one that reminded everyone and held them accountable to actually taking out the garbage.

So we made that change. And guess what?

We’re publishing more content than ever before.

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