Leadership56 Videos


I’ve got so many ideas that sometimes it’s hard to tell everyone about it in a way they understand what I’m trying to get across. Being able to properly delegate, which is an essential skill for a business owner, depends on proper communication. I’ve found it useful, as a strategy, to be able to stop […]


One of the brand promises we have a Measurable Genius is that we hold space. That’s important in any service industry, but especially when you’re working with entrepreneurs. Building a business is a minefield of stress, and there are many times when I play a role in helping our clients navigate that stress … while […]

Level up Your Leadership

Where would you rank amongst the greatest generals of history? Are you a Napoleon or are you more of a Custer? See, both military commanders and business owners have one thing in common: they need to be able to lead their team to victory. Whether that’s towards quarterly growth or conquering most of Europe, well, […]


There’s a little kernel of truth hidden in every conversation. I relish my morning mastermind sessions because it gives me the chance to look beyond the surface of what’s being said and get into the real issues. For example, Geordie said he didn’t like the word “sharing”. And with a little coaching from me, we […]


As you guys know, I spent the weekend with my good friend/mentor/coach/great guy Dr. Nima Rahmany. One of the things I took away from the weekend was the power of feeling into your affirmations. Regular viewers know I gave advice similar to this in Daily Genius 65, and I’m going to keep repeating myself because […]

The Essence of Duality

One of the things that I learned from my mentor Dr. John Demartini is that every emotion or feeling is synchronized and synthesized with its opposite, however we often suppress one side of the emotion in order to support the stories we’re identified with. Where there is despair, there is also hope. Where there is […]

Am I Overthinking This?

One of my greatest gifts is my ability to solve problems. My ability to serve my customers, my clients, and my friends comes from my ability to understand things in a way many other people can’t. Of course, that has a flip side, too. Every trait exists in synchronicity with its opposite. My analytical ability […]

Facebook And Phalluses

Loyal viewers will know that I’ve talked about Facebook before on Daily Genius (Hell, I talked about it yesterday) and today I found myself talking a lot about it today, too. Whether it’s something as simple as pinning a post to the top of your business page, or discussing how best to issue calls to […]

I Made My Videographer Cry

I had a great discussion with Christine this morning during our project meeting on the idea of delivering feedback. Am I too blunt? Could I phrase my dissatisfaction differently? Yes. AND what I’m really concerned with is getting the to the truth of the matter as efficiently as possible. Today’s episode has a bit of […]

Guilty Consciences

You guys all know how much I respect the teachings of my mentor Dr John Demartini​. Well, I got a great opportunity today to chat with Warren​ who asked me about the nature of guilt. Spoiler alert: Do the work to find out the benefits of whatever it is you’re feeling guilty about. It’s there. […]