Leadership56 Videos


Accountability is a word that makes people cringe. Sure, it’s great to think up ideas and strategies and all, but when it comes time to actually implement them, there’s a lot of shifty eyes and sideways glances. That’s why accountability needs to be clearly defined: if you’re the one who needs to get something done, […]


Something I’ve been wrestling with lately is how best to sell what we do here at Measurable Genius. I know that we can work with any client in any business to make it better. But communicating that to other people is a tricky task. People want to see exactly how we’re going to live up […]

Geniuses Speak Out

One of the great things about having a video blog is the transparency – you guys get to see how I handle all sorts of situations. One of the not-so-great things is that you guys only end up with bite sized pieces of who I am and form opinions about me without having the opportunity […]

Level up Your Leadership

Where would you rank amongst the greatest generals of history? Are you a Napoleon or are you more of a Custer? See, both military commanders and business owners have one thing in common: they need to be able to lead their team to victory. Whether that’s towards quarterly growth or conquering most of Europe, well, […]