Leadership56 Videos


You can always do things better. That isn’t to say that nothing is ever good enough, but it is important to be able to look at anything you’ve done or anything you’re doing and identify how it can be done better. One of the ways we do that at Measurable Genius is by identifying rocks. […]


Empathy means to care enough about someone else to understand and possibly even help them solve their problems. In a service-based industry, there are no shortcuts – in order to keep our clients coming back again and again, we are OBSESSED with asking the question “how can we help solve our clients’ biggest problems and […]


There’s no big secret to making money. It just requires a few simple things: a product that people want to buy, the work ethic to create a business to give it to them, and your ability to direct resources and materials towards the fulfillment of that objective. On today’s episode, I chat sales, I chat […]


Accountability is a word that makes people cringe. Sure, it’s great to think up ideas and strategies and all, but when it comes time to actually implement them, there’s a lot of shifty eyes and sideways glances. That’s why accountability needs to be clearly defined: if you’re the one who needs to get something done, […]

World Building

I’m going to re-brand “content marketing” as “worldbuilding.” Each of the people who experience your content experience a completely different world in their minds’ eye. That storytelling is something that we can become a part of, if we choose to be, as marketers. We have the opportunity to build a sense of culture and a […]

Your Feelings Mean Nothing

There’s a Bruce Lee quote floating around the internet right now that talks about this concept. Your feelings are a distraction from the mission – your mission – whatever you want to call it. You owe it to yourself to stay focused on what is important. Let neither praise not reprimand distract you from your […]