How do you show up in your life? Do you care? Does it mean anything to you? Are you doing something about it? Are you giving yourself permission? Are you willing to be who you are?
Maybe your track record with goal-setting isn’t the greatest. It’s hard. It’s something you have to work at every day. Even if you miss a day, just get up and try again.
Most visionaries and business owners that I know are chomping at the bit to try and improve their businesses. That’s smart…dissatisfaction drives innovation. However, it can be pretty hard to find the right place to start. How do you decide which of the hundreds of thousands of systems in your business to improve? The answer […]
I really, really don’t want to wait. But I will, because waiting is the right thing to do. The funny thing is that there are a lot of business owners out there rushing and hustling and in a persistent state of urgency…but if they slowed down for a moment, they’d got more work done. How […]
One of the things that I learned from my mentor Dr. John Demartini is that every emotion or feeling is synchronized and synthesized with its opposite, however we often suppress one side of the emotion in order to support the stories we’re identified with. Where there is despair, there is also hope. Where there is […]
There’s a little kernel of truth hidden in every conversation. I relish my morning mastermind sessions because it gives me the chance to look beyond the surface of what’s being said and get into the real issues. For example, Geordie said he didn’t like the word “sharing”. And with a little coaching from me, we […]
There can only be one. At any given time, there is only one most important thing that you should be working on to produce the highest return on investment in your business and your life. Do you know what it is?
Every system in a business is a pipe. You’ve got your sales pipe, your marketing pipe, your operations pipe, and so on. Each pipe is responsible for taking the effort of the people who do the work in that system and turning it into a result (the result depends on the pipe, naturally). Let’s say […]
Something I’ve been wrestling with lately is how best to sell what we do here at Measurable Genius. I know that we can work with any client in any business to make it better. But communicating that to other people is a tricky task. People want to see exactly how we’re going to live up […]
Let’s say you’ve got some task, goal, or result that you want in your life. Let’s also say that this is a result that you want to occur with some regularity. For example, let’s take this content right here. It’s part of my grand social media strategy … and it’s necessary for anyone who wants […]