Marketing107 Videos

Your Mind-Set is Ruining Your Marketing

You don’t need to be doing more marketing. You just need to fix the marketing you have right now. Okay, that’s a bit of a hyperbole. We could all stand to be doing more marketing. But what’s stopping the average business owner from getting results from their marketing is not the volume. It’s the message. […]


The core to any business is selling things. That much is obvious. And when you’re a service company, you’ve got to sell yourself. Or, at least, sell a story about yourself. “Hi! Do you have X problem? Then we have X solutions!” Solving for X is the hard part. Finding a story, an identity, that […]


Webinars are a strategy that I have seen work for coaches, speakers, and seminar leaders time and time again. And, like everything else, you don’t need to do them perfectly the first time around. The most important step is the first one, and if you delay that constantly by trying to be perfect, you’ll never […]


Business is hard as all hell, and I know that better than most because I’ve been doing this for 17 years. Sometimes you have the ups, and sometimes you run into… challenging weeks – and during those times you can’t give up. That’s the key difference between those who fail at business and those who […]


One of the brand promises we have a Measurable Genius is that we hold space. That’s important in any service industry, but especially when you’re working with entrepreneurs. Building a business is a minefield of stress, and there are many times when I play a role in helping our clients navigate that stress … while […]

World Building

I’m going to re-brand “content marketing” as “worldbuilding.” Each of the people who experience your content experience a completely different world in their minds’ eye. That storytelling is something that we can become a part of, if we choose to be, as marketers. We have the opportunity to build a sense of culture and a […]

A Funnel Is Not A Machine

Your marketing machine is made up of more than just a funnel. Or several, even. There are limitless pieces you could have in that machine. But you don’t need to know what they all are before you start building the machine. You don’t need to know what your content marketing system looks like to build […]

Spending Time on Facebook is Your Job

If you want to grow your business, you need to be spending more time scrolling through your Facebook Newsfeed. And before you ask, yes, I have seen those TEDx talks with the professor types preaching that social media is rotting our brains and crafting us into twitchy, focus-deprived balls of neuroses. Like with all black-and-white […]