Money15 Videos


Well, okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration. But what I do hate is having to be accountable to a system I lack information to effectively manage. One of the great things about leading a small business is that we can be flexible. If there’s something about the company that doesn’t work, we don’t have to re-invent […]

I Deserve to be Rich and You Do Too

What’s stopping you from achieving the dream that you say that you want? Is it your employees? Your customers? Your spouse? The government? Actually, it’s none of those things. The thing that’s stopping you is you. Need some evidence? Try saying the phrase “I deserve to be wealthy.” How did that feel? Literally, what do […]

Who’s Got My Money?

How much money are you leaving on the table because you don’t sell as efficiently as you could be? Here’s a quick tip: you can learn all the little techniques and body-language quirks and buy everyone’s program, but there’s one crucial thing that if you don’t master, you’ll never be the best salesperson you could […]

The Myth of ‘Spending Money’

Need some help with your budget? Dr. John Demartini has a saying that goes “If you don’t fill you day with high-priority actions that inspire you, it will fill with low-priorities that frustrate you.” Essentially, it means that you need to manage your time wisely. That saying is true for all of the resources under […]