Sales14 Videos

Who’s Got My Money?

How much money are you leaving on the table because you don’t sell as efficiently as you could be? Here’s a quick tip: you can learn all the little techniques and body-language quirks and buy everyone’s program, but there’s one crucial thing that if you don’t master, you’ll never be the best salesperson you could […]

Why Small Events are the Key to Big Profits

Most business owners or entrepreneurs are too afraid to run events because of the up-front costs associated with them Those who do run events often barely break even, much less turn a profit. What if I told you that small events can earn you BIG profits? On today’s episode of Start With Why I’m interviewing […]

World Building

I’m going to re-brand “content marketing” as “worldbuilding.” Each of the people who experience your content experience a completely different world in their minds’ eye. That storytelling is something that we can become a part of, if we choose to be, as marketers. We have the opportunity to build a sense of culture and a […]