Livestream Live

Your Goals Need to Make Sense

If you set goals that you don’t have direct control over, you will fail. Here’s a delusional goal: “This quarter, we’re going to increase profits by 10%.” If that’s all you’ve written down, achieving it will be a matter of luck. Unless you’re going out picking people’s pockets, you don’t have direct control over your […]

Quality Questions Lead to a Quality Life

Changing your attitude will change your life. Here’s how things usually happen: something awful occurs, you feel awful about it, and you go along feeling awful until you calm down, or something else happens. The emotion is a wave, and you’re just riding it. Of course, we’re never going to get rid of emotions. Nor […]

Livestream Live Episode 1: Dr. John Demartini

On the inaugural episode of Livestream Live, Alexander sits down with Dr. John Demartini and chats about how business owners can spur the development of their organizations through the application of proven human behavioral principles. If you’re an entrepreneur, if you lead a company, or if you’re just curious about how your own brain works, […]

How Your Labels Hold You Back

Morally labeling things is a one-way ticket to emotional fragility. Because moral labels are absolute and one-sided, whenever someone does something that isn’t congruent with the label, we’ll react accordingly. Here’s an example: let’s say you label “spilling coffee” as a bad thing. Because it has that label, whenever it happens, you’re going to be […]

How to Stand on the Shoulders of Giants

It all comes down to values. Whether I’m giving a talk to a high-school, running a multi-day event, or leading my team, you better bet I’m going to bring up the idea of values. Why? Well, I could fill up your entire feed with the reasons why, but the short answer is that if you […]