Account for Value

You need to know the difference between accountability and responsibility in order to successfully scale up an organization. Some people mash all these words together thinking they mean the same thing. People need clear lines to know how to do their jobs.

Agent 007

We’re Incremental Progress machines. That’s because we are aware of our resources and we’ve put them in order. We understand our priorities. We manage our resources wisely. We put things in order before we take action, so we know we’re working on the highest priority actions possible. It’s impossible to not be productive if you […]

Becoming Jordan Peterson

Don’t be a business owner trying to take accountability and ownership of other people’s stuff … their problems; causes; tirades. Put your own room in order first. Don’t go out into the world and assume ownership of other people’s stuff. When you martyr yourself on these causes you clearly can’t make a difference on, you […]


When you’re not absolutely certain, you’re … not. Being in command of your business depends on your certainty. You’ll never have 100% of the data, so you need to start getting comfortable working with probabilities.

Dream Management

Perhaps you feel that you aren’t going to be able to achieve your dreams. You’re stuck. There’s a glass ceiling. And you’re sure there’s one big thing that you can fix to change your life to make everything better. Probably not. You’re addicted. The one big thing is never going to happen. This is a […]

Future Accounting

Your goals in life won’t come true unless you’re accountable to them in advance. See … that future you say you want? You’re disowning it. It’s a trick. Just by your nature of wanting it, you’re acknowledging that you don’t have ownership of it. You haven’t found evidence of it. You don’t see where you […]

Itemize Function

Instead of trying to fit people into these abstract boxes you call “job descriptions,” you should itemize the functional processes and accountabilities that actually exist in your business. If you give people clear expectations in the form of process assignments and key performance indicators, they can measure themselves if they’ve done a good job or […]


If all you do is incrementally improve your prioritization and your focus on your priorities each day, you can’t help but achieve exponential growth in your life and in your business. There’s a word for it: Kaizen.

Lily Pads on Ponds

Areas in your business that you do not have under command tend to break down in a way that isn’t obvious. If you wait until you can see the problem obviously, you’re probably going to be too late to prevent a significant challenge or emergency. It’s way less work to keep things in command than […]