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How do you show up in your life? Do you care? Does it mean anything to you? Are you doing something about it? Are you giving yourself permission? Are you willing to be who you are?


Most visionaries and business owners that I know are chomping at the bit to try and improve their businesses. That’s smart…dissatisfaction drives innovation. However, it can be pretty hard to find the right place to start. How do you decide which of the hundreds of thousands of systems in your business to improve? The answer […]

The Art of Being Dissatisfied

I really, really don’t want to wait. But I will, because waiting is the right thing to do. The funny thing is that there are a lot of business owners out there rushing and hustling and in a persistent state of urgency…but if they slowed down for a moment, they’d got more work done. How […]

The Gospel of You

IT’S YOUR DUTY! You HAVE to evangelize the gospel of what you believe in. Maybe you don’t like the phrase “content marketing.” OK. Fine. Use this word instead: world-building. Build a world in the mind of your customer.

The Polymath

Every system in a business is a pipe. You’ve got your sales pipe, your marketing pipe, your operations pipe, and so on. Each pipe is responsible for taking the effort of the people who do the work in that system and turning it into a result (the result depends on the pipe, naturally). Let’s say […]

The Purpose of Life

People make a pretty big deal of out the whole “meaning of life” thing. To me it’s abundantly obvious. The purpose of life is to grow. The purpose of life is to start out unrefined and move as much as we can towards refinement. How do you grow? That’s easy, too. By taking on and […]

The Theory of Constraints

Let’s say you’ve got some task, goal, or result that you want in your life. Let’s also say that this is a result that you want to occur with some regularity. For example, let’s take this content right here. It’s part of my grand social media strategy … and it’s necessary for anyone who wants […]

Twenty Years of Work

I’ve had a lot of experience with being unhappy with the status quo. If you’re any kind of visionary, you’ll know what I mean. Where others can get complacent, we’re always trying to improve. Where others will say it’s “good enough,” we’re trying to perfect it. It’s that kind of attitude that gives us our […]

World Building

I’m going to re-brand “content marketing” as “worldbuilding.” Each of the people who experience your content experience a completely different world in their minds’ eye. That storytelling is something that we can become a part of, if we choose to be, as marketers. We have the opportunity to build a sense of culture and a […]