The Purpose of Life

People make a pretty big deal of out the whole “meaning of life” thing.

To me it’s abundantly obvious. The purpose of life is to grow. The purpose of life is to start out unrefined and move as much as we can towards refinement.

How do you grow? That’s easy, too. By taking on and overcoming challenges that you are inspired by and find fulfillment in working on.

It’s not about happiness, because there is no life without sadness. It’s not about joy, because there is no life without grief.

The purpose of life isn’t about achieving some one-sided emotional nirvana, because such an experience is impossible. Each and every emotion we feel is tied to its opposite in such a way that both are always present and equal.

So instead of tying the meaning of life to an emotion, let’s align it with a mission that will keep us growing until the day we draw our final breath.

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