Leadership56 Videos

The Theory of Constraints

Let’s say you’ve got some task, goal, or result that you want in your life. Let’s also say that this is a result that you want to occur with some regularity. For example, let’s take this content right here. It’s part of my grand social media strategy … and it’s necessary for anyone who wants […]

Your Feelings Mean Nothing

There’s a Bruce Lee quote floating around the internet right now that talks about this concept. Your feelings are a distraction from the mission – your mission – whatever you want to call it. You owe it to yourself to stay focused on what is important. Let neither praise not reprimand distract you from your […]

Kill the Constraints

What’s stopping you from having what you say you want to have? Here’s the thing about the universe: it doesn’t reward hard work for its own sake. If you’ve been putting massive effort into something and you haven’t achieved it yet, chances are pretty good that something other than work is preventing you from having […]

Do the Right Thing

There’s no greater foe to growth than being out of balance with certainty. If you have too little, you’ll constantly be second-guessing and doubting any plans you ever make. You’ll get flustered by failure, and constantly shuffle things around to try and appease your emotional side. But if you have too much, you’ll become stubborn […]

Skip The Plan

Maybe your track record with goal-setting isn’t the greatest. It’s hard. It’s something you have to work at every day. Even if you miss a day, just get up and try again.

Hiring is a Favour

Firing someone is one of the most difficult things a business owner can do. And that’s perfectly understandable. There’s a lot of emotion wrapped up in it. Having said that, it is an absolutely necessary activity for a business owner. And the better you get at it, the better your organization will be. Why? Because […]

Defend Your Culture

Many business owners think the primary asset of their company is the product or service that they provide. . As in, if they were to sell their business, the thing that would be worth the most to investors is the actual work that business does. . Undoubtedly, that is a factor. But it isn’t the […]

Perfectionism is Obstructionism

If you want to have a better business, you need to become a better business owner. Seems obvious, right? But here’s the part that many business owners don’t realize – that philosophy also holds true for every member of their organization. Think about it: would you get more momentum from everyone in your business becoming […]


If you love dogs and you love drama, you’ll love this episode. I guess you could say that Daily Genius has gone to the dogs. Please watch the video before I have to think up more dog puns. It’s making me feel boneheaded.

Geniuses Speak Out

One of the great things about having a video blog is the transparency – you guys get to see how I handle all sorts of situations. One of the not-so-great things is that you guys only end up with bite sized pieces of who I am and form opinions about me without having the opportunity […]