Hiring is a Favour

In this video

Firing someone is one of the most difficult things a business owner can do. And that’s perfectly understandable. There’s a lot of emotion wrapped up in it.

Having said that, it is an absolutely necessary activity for a business owner. And the better you get at it, the better your organization will be.


Because hiring is a gamble. No many how many times you interview someone, you will never be able to know with confidence if they can perform the role you need them to perform. Human beings are human beings, and we are as a species unpredictable. No matter how good you are at judging human behaviour.

You will never be good at hiring. No one will be. But you can’t get so wrapped up in your ego or your empathy that you refuse to acknowledge that you made a mistake.

As Gary Vaynerchuk says,

“Hire fast. Fire faster.”

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