Agency Board

The Gold Mine

Making money is not as hard as people make it out to be. All you have to do is find out what people need and serve them. In my case, I noticed a lot of my clients were using strategy sessions to try and figure out what to do to generate leads. I responded to […]

Stop Letting People Waste Your Time

How much time are you wasting because you can’t say “no?” Chances are, unless you’ve got a hierarchy of pre-vetted business priorities, that number is higher than you think. If you don’t know for certain you’re working on the highest-priority item you possibly can be, you’re not going to tell your team you’ll get back […]

Exploding My Personal Brand

Take a second and look at how much content your brand is producing. I’ll wait. How’d you do? To be honest, it was a trick question. The answer is that no matter how much you’re putting out, it’s not enough. I know that because I’m not putting out enough content, and I’ve got 126 episodes […]

I Know Where All Your Customers Are

How many ads do you have running on Facebook right now? How about your direct competition? Chances are you don’t have any and neither do they. If you do, hey, kudos to you. If not, well, why not? Television, print, radio, billboards…those are strategies that worked 30 years ago. Today, everyone’s eyeballs are on the […]

Who’s Got My Money?

How much money are you leaving on the table because you don’t sell as efficiently as you could be? Here’s a quick tip: you can learn all the little techniques and body-language quirks and buy everyone’s program, but there’s one crucial thing that if you don’t master, you’ll never be the best salesperson you could […]

Live-Stream Live is Alive

What was the last major purchase you or your company made? I’m willing to bet you made that purchase from someone you trusted, right? But here’s the thing: where was the origin of that relationship? For a small business, forming those relationships is crucial. There’s so much information out there today, data can’t be your […]

Portrait of an Entrepreneur

Take a look around. Where are you now? Your office? Your home? Your car? How did you get there? What stories in your life led you to that place? Whose life (or lives) are you emulating? It can do us a world of good to make sure we’re not forgetting the journey even as we […]

Why Your Business Isn’t Moving Forward

Have you ever wondered why all the great ideas you have for your business don’t pan out? I’m willing to bet the answer to that problem can be solved with one word: accountability. Heard it before? Let me give you a lesson. Every single thing in your business, from your high-level processes to your paper-shuffling, […]

Grab Your Towel

Have you ever had one of those job interviews where you were asked “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Maybe you were the one asking that question? If you asked me that question, I could tell you exactly where I see my business in five years, because my executive team and I have […]

How to Get Everything Done

What’s the first thing you think about when you get up in the morning? If you’re anything like the average business owner I’ve met, it’s all the things you have to do in your day. And does that thought soothe you…or panic you? If your answer is the latter, that’s because you haven’t defined the […]