“I’ve been burned one too many times.”
Have you heard yourself saying this before? You’ve hired someone to help you solve a problem but you’ve ended up with systems, websites, branding guides, and marketing funnels that have returned you a big fat zero.
That’s the worst part. You’ve tried everything. And it never came together.
So are you going to give up?
Because I, for one, hear you. I fucking FEEL you. I hate the fact that you’ve wasted your money and you’ve gotten nowhere. So much is ALMOST done right.
But you still need to figure it out. And I think you should look into the long-term.
You’ve built a bunch of half-finished buildings, and they’re costing you money. It sucks to burn them to the ground, but we have to.
You know you do. They’re doing nothing… They’re just sitting there.
Once they’re gone, let’s start again, and this time, let’s do it right.