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Plan Your Work; Work Your Plan

The key to scaling a successful business is to follow the disciplines, habits, and routines which differentiate the truly successful companies from the mediocre ones. The truth is that anything planned beyond 90 days is a WILD, AUDACIOUS, GUESS. But in order to be productive today, you need to have a planned trajectory and focus […]

Kill the Constraints

What’s stopping you from having what you say you want to have? Here’s the thing about the universe: it doesn’t reward hard work for its own sake. If you’ve been putting massive effort into something and you haven’t achieved it yet, chances are pretty good that something other than work is preventing you from having […]

The Purpose of Life

People make a pretty big deal of out the whole “meaning of life” thing. To me it’s abundantly obvious. The purpose of life is to grow. The purpose of life is to start out unrefined and move as much as we can towards refinement. How do you grow? That’s easy, too. By taking on and […]

Rephecy – A Word Dr. John Demartini Made Up

A prophet is someone who can predict the future. A rephet is someone who learns from their past. You’re a rephet by default – it doesn’t take a genius to do better next time. We all have that permission slip. It doesn’t make any of us special. A master believes it before he sees it. […]

World Building

I’m going to re-brand “content marketing” as “worldbuilding.” Each of the people who experience your content experience a completely different world in their minds’ eye. That storytelling is something that we can become a part of, if we choose to be, as marketers. We have the opportunity to build a sense of culture and a […]

You Are in Charge of Your Actions

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” I bring up this quote from Socrates because there’s a perception out there that we are not in control of our emotions and our reactions. And while it’s true that we cannot stop our brains from feeling certain ways … it is possible to take ownership of your […]

Seeing Forward in Time & Space

If a goal doesn’t “feel” real to you, the likelihood of you achieving that goal is near zero. That feeling comes from your subconscious. And even if you really, really want to achieve that goal – even if you put all of your conscious effort towards it – your subconscious will trip you up every […]


If all you do is incrementally improve your prioritization and your focus on your priorities each day, you can’t help but achieve exponential growth in your life and in your business. There’s a word for it: Kaizen.