Maybe your track record with goal-setting isn’t the greatest. It’s hard. It’s something you have to work at every day. Even if you miss a day, just get up and try again.
There’s no greater foe to growth than being out of balance with certainty. If you have too little, you’ll constantly be second-guessing and doubting any plans you ever make. You’ll get flustered by failure, and constantly shuffle things around to try and appease your emotional side. But if you have too much, you’ll become stubborn […]
What’s stopping you from having what you say you want to have? Here’s the thing about the universe: it doesn’t reward hard work for its own sake. If you’ve been putting massive effort into something and you haven’t achieved it yet, chances are pretty good that something other than work is preventing you from having […]
A prophet is someone who can predict the future. A rephet is someone who learns from their past. You’re a rephet by default – it doesn’t take a genius to do better next time. We all have that permission slip. It doesn’t make any of us special. A master believes it before he sees it. […]
There’s a Bruce Lee quote floating around the internet right now that talks about this concept. Your feelings are a distraction from the mission – your mission – whatever you want to call it. You owe it to yourself to stay focused on what is important. Let neither praise not reprimand distract you from your […]
I’ve had a lot of experience with being unhappy with the status quo. If you’re any kind of visionary, you’ll know what I mean. Where others can get complacent, we’re always trying to improve. Where others will say it’s “good enough,” we’re trying to perfect it. It’s that kind of attitude that gives us our […]
Keep your hands off that marshmallow. Here’s a quick explanation if you don’t know what I’m talking about: in the 60s there was an experiment done at Stanford involving delayed gratification. A group of children were each given marshmallows and told that, if they resisted the temptation to eat them immediately, they’d get another. Later […]