Mindset51 Videos
What Beliefs Are Driving You?
What you do is an unconscious expression of the sacred beliefs you hold about yourself and the world. For example, let’s take the average entrepreneur. What beliefs do they have about themselves that lead them to start a business? Well, they probably have a capacity and appetite for hard work that many others lack. They […]
Who’s Got My Money?
How much money are you leaving on the table because you don’t sell as efficiently as you could be? Here’s a quick tip: you can learn all the little techniques and body-language quirks and buy everyone’s program, but there’s one crucial thing that if you don’t master, you’ll never be the best salesperson you could […]
Why You’re So Salty
You became an entrepreneur because you had a vision for a better future. “If only these people had this product or service! Imagine how great their life would be! Imagine how I could change the world! Imagine the beaches I could live next to!” (Not hating, by the way. There’s no shame in wanting to […]
Work With Your Competition
Our results in life are a direct consequence of the beliefs we hold. For example, one of the beliefs that I see time and time again from many entrepreneurs is that they absolutely must not help others in a similar industry as them. They see business as a zero-sum game, and every piece of profit […]
You Are in Charge of Your Actions
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” I bring up this quote from Socrates because there’s a perception out there that we are not in control of our emotions and our reactions. And while it’s true that we cannot stop our brains from feeling certain ways … it is possible to take ownership of your […]
You Can’t Jump the Line
Solving problems is pretty easy when you know what the problem is. But the truth is that we as human beings are fairly bad at identifying the real problem: especially when that real problem is outside of our current ability to put active effort towards solving. In business this can be even more costly. Is […]
You Will Suffer
A growing business is not a happy business. Let me throw a hypothetical at you: let’s say you did a webinar tomorrow, and by some miracle, you booked 100 sales calls. How would you feel about that? Pretty good, right? After all, that’s a lot of potential revenue! But that’s only one way of looking […]
Your Clients Don’t Want What They Say They Want
Customer turnover feels horrible. And even the most resilient business owner sometimes wonders if the product or service they’re offering is truly valuable. If it was, wouldn’t 100% of my clients be satisfied and happy? It can be hard to look at one client who changed their life as a result of working with you […]