Our Greatest Weakness Is Our Strength Turned Up Too Loud

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It is absolutely astounding how many entrepreneurs are trying to do everything by themselves.

You and I both know that simply STARTING a successful business is tremendously difficult, let alone trying to scale it up.

And the most common response to that difficulty is to do what entrepreneurs do best: buckling down and working hard. That kind of attitude, to work ourselves to the bone, is what compels us to start a business in the first place. It’s our secret weapon.

But it can also keep us trapped.

Not every problem can be solved with elbow grease. Not every challenge can be tackled alone.

That kind of attitude adjustment can surprise a lot of entrepreneurs, but it’s absolutely true. You don’t know what you don’t know, and because you don’t know it, you don’t know how to get out of it. You don’t ask for help.

If your business is treading water; if your growth has stagnated… maybe the solution doesn’t involve you working 14 hours straight all by your lonesome.

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