Alexander Ford

Evidence of Engagement

Your clients automatically demonstrate what is most important and meaningful to them through their behavior. You can literally tell a story that meets their needs, triggers their voids, and stimulates their values… Then you can pay Facebook money to target those individuals with your marketing and include valuable offers to subscribe to your services or […]

Marketing vs. Sales

There’s a distinct difference between the marketing and sales functions in your business. The marketing function is all about telling stories which provoke your audience into taking an action to express interest. The sales function is about capturing that interest, qualifying the opportunity, and selling your product or service to the customer.

It’s All About You

If it’s more about you than it is about them in your relationship, you’ll try to transactionalize it. It means you need them more than they need you. The results you’ll get from that relationship will be proportionate to that. To serve someone, you need to be able to see and serve them in a […]

Marketing Prostitution

Transactionalizing your marketing is a mistake. You need to earn your audience’s affection and attention over time. You must invest in the relationship by bringing content and value to the table. If all you want to do is short-cut the process and jump right to the sale, you might as well be… Well, you know…

The Business Owner’s Delusion

Marketing isn’t sales. If you demand an ROI on the first leg of your marketing engagement, you’re making a huge mistake. Luckily, everyone is doing it. Stop expecting a return on your first layer of marketing engagement. It’s short-sighted and it’s killing your ability to tell a story that enrolls your audience.

So Much Nonsense

Have you built your dreams on a solid foundation? If we were to break down your problems, would they actually make sense? How clear are you on what you’re communicating and what action you want others to take? Don’t let your dreams stay dreams. Clean up the nonsense.

Half-built Buildings

“I’ve been burned one too many times.” Have you heard yourself saying this before? You’ve hired someone to help you solve a problem but you’ve ended up with systems, websites, branding guides, and marketing funnels that have returned you a big fat zero. That’s the worst part. You’ve tried everything. And it never came together. […]