Agency Board

The Art of Deserving

Do you feel stuck and unable to achieve what you really want? Are you often feeling that “life would be better if…?” Maybe it’s possible that you don’t feel that you deserve the things that you say you want. That feeling of unworthiness, more than anything else, is keeping you trapped. That unworthiness is creating […]

Hiring is a Favour

Firing someone is one of the most difficult things a business owner can do. And that’s perfectly understandable. There’s a lot of emotion wrapped up in it. Having said that, it is an absolutely necessary activity for a business owner. And the better you get at it, the better your organization will be. Why? Because […]

A Funnel Is Not A Machine

Your marketing machine is made up of more than just a funnel. Or several, even. There are limitless pieces you could have in that machine. But you don’t need to know what they all are before you start building the machine. You don’t need to know what your content marketing system looks like to build […]

Coaching Will Not Build Your Business

If you do not have the values to accomplish a task, you will frustrate, hesitate, and procrastinate (thanks to Dr John Demartini for that). That’s the honest truth. To the degree we take on things that are low in our values, we will find excuses to avoid doing it, not put our attention on it […]

Workspace and Mindspace

While I was on vacation a couple weeks back, I had an opportunity to do some reading and some reflecting. And I came to a conclusion about priorities. When you’re a business owner, you have a million things to do in a day. You’ve heard me talk about that before, so I’ll leave that at […]

Hotelier Than Thou

Seeing is believing, and a video is worth a million words. One of the challenges for any small business owner is getting yourself out into the market. How do people know you exist? And, short of hiring your own camera guy to follow you around all day, that can be a tough issue to tackle. […]

The Mapstermind

Today’s episode is all about strategy. Whether that strategy is about building sales funnels, using the Rockefeller habits to do quarterly planning, or more effectively exposing your employees to your company culture *COUGH* Jarvis *COUGH*, you’ll pick up a thing or two. Special thanks to Kathy Yuen of Phase One Design for the cool ice […]

Lunch With Geniuses

In the season 1 finale of Daily Genius, you get an inside look at the first Measurable Genius family lunch. I’m very proud of what we’ve been able to do over the past year, and I’m super excited to unveil our plans for 2018… but that’s another episode (specifically, the first episode of season two)! […]

We Penetrate with Jarvis

We’re kicking off the new season of the video blog with an inside look at our quarterly planning meeting. I was super excited to present this to the company ever since we completed our executive retreat, and today I finally got that chance. Not only do you guys finally get to see what I was […]

Why You Can’t Stick to a New Year’s Resolution

Human behavior is a funny thing. I know that because I’ve studied it extensively. On today’s very special episode of the video blog, Warren asked me to talk about the mindset of changing your behaviors. It takes a lot of work, but you can get there. Or maybe you can’t, because you don’t truly believe […]