Marketing107 Videos

Find Your Place on the Assembly Line of Clients

Your business is perfect for certain people at a certain moment in their lives. You have an ideal customer avatar, with a certain set of challenges that you are uniquely qualified to tackle. You already knew that I hope. But what many entrepreneurs miss is that there are so many other entrepreneurs out there who […]

Funnels Won’t Save You

Are you gambling with the future of your business? Here’s something I’ve noticed lately: there are tons of entrepreneurs out there who have been sold the idea that all they need to do to start a successful business is to have a thing and pay money to run ads to it. Can this work? Yes, […]

Get Magnetic

What type of lead magnet is best for you? Obviously, every business owner knows they need lead magnets. They’re essential to growing your list and they sit at the very top of your funnels. But with all the information floating around out there, it can be pretty intimidating to try and think of what method […]

Getting Hands-On with the Audience

The Facebook ads platform is an intimidating tool. There are tons of people out there just itching to get started with it, but don’t know where to begin. Here’s the thing: like with any marketing, the first question should always be: who am I talking to? Unfortunately, it’s one thing to know the answer to […]

Give Away Your Intellectual Property

Give away your intellectual property. The people who learn it from you and try to do it themselves were always going to do that anyway. The ones who are destined to be your clients don’t want to do it and they’ll hire you regardless. You’re guaranteed to win by giving away your content because you’ll […]

Go First and Provide Value

What can you do to establish a joint venture with a bigger player than you are? The first thing you have to do is become relevant. No matter how big or small your business, no one will be willing to JV with someone they don’t know. You have to establish a relationship first. Once they […]

Half-built Buildings

“I’ve been burned one too many times.” Have you heard yourself saying this before? You’ve hired someone to help you solve a problem but you’ve ended up with systems, websites, branding guides, and marketing funnels that have returned you a big fat zero. That’s the worst part. You’ve tried everything. And it never came together. […]