You Don’t Need a List to Joint Venture

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One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make about joint ventures is assuming that they need a massive e-mail list in order to find people that they can JV with.

If you learn nothing else from Jay Fiset, learn this: joint ventures are about relationships. It’s not about leveraging assets for a return.

Is that a part of it? Yes. But it’s not the main goal. The main goal is to build relationships with other business owners so both of you can serve and support your clients more effectively and more powerfully.

When you’re looking for potential joint venture partners, your first thought shouldn’t be about the size of your list. Rather, you should be thinking about how you can form a relationship that is mutually beneficial. That can include a list, yes, but it can also include things like hockey tickets.

Remember: business, and joint ventures especially, are not a zero-sum game. Care enough about the person you want to establish a JV with to know what you can give them that they find value in.

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