The Art of Being Dissatisfied

In this video

I really, really don’t want to wait.

But I will, because waiting is the right thing to do.

The funny thing is that there are a lot of business owners out there rushing and hustling and in a persistent state of urgency…but if they slowed down for a moment, they’d got more work done.

How is that possible? Most business owners (and I am just as guilty of this as anyone else) are great at getting things started, but terrible at finishing them.

The advantage I have that allows me to realize the importance of waiting is a plan. You’ve probably heard me mention this before, but here at Measurable Genius we used a proven strategic planning framework so we can set realistic and meaningful goals every quarter.

Having a plan, and a clear set of quarterly goals, gives me the ability to say “no” to the wrong things and “yes” to the right things. It keeps me from rushing off to start new projects when the old ones are half-done.

If you don’t have a plan, get one. If it worked for me, it’ll work for you.

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