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Kill the Constraints

What’s stopping you from having what you say you want to have? Here’s the thing about the universe: it doesn’t reward hard work for its own sake. If you’ve been putting massive effort into something and you haven’t achieved it yet, chances are pretty good that something other than work is preventing you from having […]

Do the Right Thing

There’s no greater foe to growth than being out of balance with certainty. If you have too little, you’ll constantly be second-guessing and doubting any plans you ever make. You’ll get flustered by failure, and constantly shuffle things around to try and appease your emotional side. But if you have too much, you’ll become stubborn […]

Plan Your Work; Work Your Plan

The key to scaling a successful business is to follow the disciplines, habits, and routines which differentiate the truly successful companies from the mediocre ones. The truth is that anything planned beyond 90 days is a WILD, AUDACIOUS, GUESS. But in order to be productive today, you need to have a planned trajectory and focus […]

I Know Where All Your Customers Are

How many ads do you have running on Facebook right now? How about your direct competition? Chances are you don’t have any and neither do they. If you do, hey, kudos to you. If not, well, why not? Television, print, radio, billboards…those are strategies that worked 30 years ago. Today, everyone’s eyeballs are on the […]


The masses wait to see it before they believe it, while the masters see it before they believe it. If there’s something you want out of your life, you need to see it first. You need to picture it in your mind’s eye and have it be a clear, tangible thing. If you can’t do […]

The Purpose of Life

People make a pretty big deal of out the whole “meaning of life” thing. To me it’s abundantly obvious. The purpose of life is to grow. The purpose of life is to start out unrefined and move as much as we can towards refinement. How do you grow? That’s easy, too. By taking on and […]

Capturing Attention

There are stages of awareness you need to be aware of when you’re building an audience by producing content. First, they become aware of you. Then, if you’re lucky, they realize they have a need you can help them with and they become in-consideration of you. An even smaller number of those in-consideration of you […]

You are not Obvious

“I’m actually a genius!” This is how you’re going to feel once you give yourself permission to produce content and put yourself on camera. Producing content marketing is going to cause you to learn about yourself in ways you never imagined. You’ll manifest these amazing moments where someone notices something that you thought was obvious […]

The Gospel of You

IT’S YOUR DUTY! You HAVE to evangelize the gospel of what you believe in. Maybe you don’t like the phrase “content marketing.” OK. Fine. Use this word instead: world-building. Build a world in the mind of your customer.