Where can I put my money to make sure I get the most bang for my marketing buck?
I hear that a lot from my clients. And the unfortunate reality is that that question has no simple, catch-all answer.
Your marketing depends on a lot of factors, including your audience, your values, and your strategy. Marketing that we do at Measurable Genius may not work so well if you sell vacuum cleaners.
One thing I do know is that I’m not the only genius out there in the world, and those people have developed strategies of their own. One of the smartest things you can do is to learn from a mentor. In human behaviour, that means Dr John Demartini. In marketing, that means Gary Vaynerchuk.
In this episode, I chat Rockefeller Habits, swim-lane diagrams, and social media marketing with Jason Meyer at Hearth & Home: Fireplace & Home Renovations.